Hi All This is my brief introduction
My Childhood days
During my childhood days while studying elementary school education at Ananatapur town, my school management arranged a counselling session to all students by a renowned Sage whose name I did not remember. He looks with long hair, wearing only loin cloth around his waist physically fit and good looking. While addressing the students the Sag taught about the daily schedule to be followed by the students. As per his instruction one should get up early in the morning at about 0400am and start reading after finishing nature calls and very little physical exercise. As per the sage message the early morning time, is very auspicious and sacred , to start any of the event important in Life. I have this instruction in my mind always and tried to follow this in my life and realized that it is very good instruction to follow , in ones life for success in Life. I request all the audience to make this a regular habit to lead good life. Start the day well with pure thoughts and finest actions.
In this connection, I have created a video and published in my youtube channel Mohanyoga4all for entertainment and education purpose of all categories of audience. Kindly watch the video